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"The first school of prayer is the Word of God, Holy Scripture.
Sacred Scripture is an ongoing dialogue between God and man,
a progressive dialogue in which God is always closer,
in which we can always know better his face, his voice, his being;
and man learns to accept to know God, to speak with God.


There is yet another precious "space", another precious "source" for growing in prayer,
a source of living water very closely related to the previous one.
I want to talk about the liturgy, which is a privileged area in which God speaks to each of us,
here and now, and wait for our answer. "



"The life of prayer is to be in the usual way in the presence of God and to be aware of it,
to live in relationship with God as we live the usual relationships of our life,
those with the dearest members of our family, with our true friends;
it is even this relationship with the Lord that gives light to all our other relationships. "


Benedict XVI, General Audience, Wednesday, 26 September and 3 October 2012.


You will find on YouTube the prayers and teachings of this site. Do not hesitate to visit my channel "Jesus Buzz".

This site is informative and not commercial. I nevertheless invite you to donate for its maintenance and development. Thank you in advance and with the assurance of my prayer for your intentions.