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In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, Physician of the souls and bodies that sent your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal every sick person from all sickness, and to save the human race from the death of sin ; you who hurled from heaven the rebellious demon and all his evil angels to the very depths of hell ; you, Lord, heal this creature that belongs to you from all evil of the body and the soul and from all the hold of the devil.

By the grace of Jesus, your Beloved Son, and by his holy Cross, preserve her from all sickness. Repel evil spirits, so that they have no part or power over her. Crush the devil under your feet and - through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God, the invocation of our father Saint Anthony and all your saints - free her from all power of invisible and visible enemies, so that she may act according to your will and give thanks for your mercy towards her : by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, your only Son, to whom all glory and to your Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, for us men and for our salvation you took flesh of the Virgin Mary, you who by your Passion and your life-giving Death have crushed the gates of hell, bound the victor, and have strengthened us by taking back what he had stolen, repel , O our God and Savior, and destroy all the hold of Satan on your servant N. marked with the sign of your Cross.

Yes, Lord, you who have driven out the legions of demons and commanded the unclean spirits to come out of the possessed and to depart from them, you who have said to your Apostles, "I gave you the power to trample on the serpents and the scorpions and all the opposing powers ", protect, O my Lord, your servant from all evil, from the nocturnal fear, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the walker in the night, and from the noon demon ; so that with your divine help, the prayers of your Mother, the All-Blessed Virgin Mary, those of our blessed father Saint Anthony and the cohorts of the angelic militia, he (she) may sing your glory in the faith, the hope and charity, saying, "The Lord is my help, therefore I do not fear what man can do to me, because you are, Lord, my help, my strength, and my support ; that's why I'm not afraid of evil men. For all glory belongs to you, to your Father, and to your Holy Spirit, now and forever, and for ever and ever. Amen.

O Holy Spirit Comforter, who proceed from the Father and the Son, before who we bow down and who are glorified with the Father and the Son, you who appeared above the head of Our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearance of a dove and above the holy Apostles in the guise of tongues of fire, spread out, O Lord, your Strength on your servant N. and drive from him (her) all impure spirits. Dissolve their evil deeds, and remove from the body and soul of your creature the cursed devil, the impure demon, and every kind of evil spirit. Yes, Lord, we beg you to prevent them from mastering any of his (her) organs, his (her) body, or his (her) soul, and attacking him (her) in no place. By the power of the divine Cross which is with him (her) and the guard so that it is always and everywhere saved by the intercession of Mary Mother of God, of our blessed father Saint Anthony and all the saints who glorify you, O Holy Spirit, with the Father and the Son forever in the ages of ages. Amen.

May the power of the Lord who reigns over the universe, the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit be with him (her), protect him (her), and save him (her) from all defilement of the soul and body, through the intercession of Saint Mary, Mother of God, Saint Anthony and all the saints. Amen.

V / May the Lord arise and disperse His enemies!
R / And let those who hate him flee from his face!

V / Let them be dispersed like smoke and melt as wax before the fire!
R / Let the impostors be dispersed before the Lord's face!

Glory to the Father , to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.